YPPO Pricing

Developed by an international not-for-profit organization, YPPO brings you the expertise of professionals renowned worldwide for their specialization in conflict prevention. This ensures YPPO offers an unparalleled quality-to-price ratio in the market. The annual subscription fee is determined by two factors: the legal nature of your organization (non-profit, government/international, for-profit) and your total number of employees. The fee includes a set minimum of $5,000, regardless of the size and legal nature of your organization.

Please select the appropriate box below and insert the number of employees in your organization to determine the cost of your subscription to YPPO. If the FAQs below for do not answer your questions about YPPO’s subscription fees, please contact us at: yppo@personalombuds.com.

Thank you!


Number of Employees

$5000 USD

Special discounted rates for non-profit organizations.

Government / International

Number of Employees

$5000 USD

Exclusive pricing for government entities and international organizations.


Number of Employees

$5000 USD

Tailored pricing plans designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is YPPO priced?

YPPO operates on an annual subscription basis, with fees due at the beginning of each subscription period.

How is the subscription fee determined?

The subscription fee is based on the size and legal nature of your organization. These factors are assessed at the start of the subscription period. If there are changes during the subscription term, adjustments to the fee will be made at the time of renewal for the following year.

Will YPPO verify the information provided about my organization?

Yes, YPPO reserves the right to verify the information provided regarding the size and legal nature of your organization to ensure accurate pricing.

What happens if I stop using YPPO during the subscription period?

Subscription fees are non-refundable for the duration of the subscription period, regardless of whether you continue to use YPPO throughout that time.

Can I customize YPPO's content and functionalities?

Yes, for quotes regarding customization of YPPO's content and functionalities tailored to your organization's specific needs, please contact us directly at: yppo@personalombuds.com.